
Tugas Semester 6, mencoba yang terbaik tapi belum maksimal ternyata..

Borobudur Temple,  
Historical Inheritance and Beautiful Buddhist Monument in the World

            Who does not know Borobudur temple? Borobudur Temple is one of culture inheritances, which is the biggest and full of reliefs Buddhist monument in the world. Borobudur temple is well-known tourism object in Indonesia, and in the world. Many foreign tourists who come from other country are very excited to visit Borobudur Temple. Let’s see anything about this temple i.e. the site or location, the structure, history, function and relief of Borobudur Temple.
A.  Site or Location
Borobudur Temple is located on coordinate 110o of east longitude and 8o of south latitude. The exact location is in the regency of Magelang, Kedu. It is about 15 km in the south of Magelang city, and 42 km north of Yogyakarta, on the way to Magelang.
Those who have no cars can take a bus, taxi or other public transportation that passes Borobudur on its way to the terminal, or from Yogyakarta stop at Muntilan, there can find cart to continue the trip . Cart is alternative transport that gives comfortable to enjoy the landscape. Probably, you can take pleasure in the trip by seeing around in a small village, which is passed. The name of that small village is Mendut. You can find the temple that already has the same name with the village, Mendut Temple.
The site of the Borobudur is perfect; it is situated in the heart of Java, well surrounded by mountains, on the north and north east by volcanoes Merapi and Merbabu, on the north west by the volcanoes Sumbing and Sindoro, on the south and south west by the Menoreh Mountains.

B.      Structure
Borobudur temple was build using andesite stone moreover 55.000 m3. In the base was covered by andesite 12.750 m3 as open veranda. In the temple has no room that people cannot enter it. Its diameter is 121 m times 121 m and is 31 m high.
The Borobudur temple had basic structure that was formed of a step-pyramid. The structure consists of a step-pyramid of six rectangular storeys, three circular terraces and a central dagob forming the summit. However all these parts form a unity and as a whole the Borobudur resembles a stupa. Stupa is a replica of the universe. According to Buddhist cosmology, the universe is divided into Kamadhatu, Rupadhatu, and Arupadhatu.
Kamadhatu is the foot or base the Borobudur represents phenomenal world. Rupadhatu is the transitional sphere in which human being released from worldly matters; four rectangular storeys. Arupahatu is the highest sphere, the abode of gods; the three circular terraces and the central dagob form the Arupadhatu.

C.  History
Based on Karangtengah epigraphy and Kahulunan, Casparis predicted that Borobudur was built by Mataram King from Wangsa Syailendra that was named Samaratungga, at 824 A.D. The big building was finished in his princess era, Princess Pramudawardhani. The construction of Borobudur was guessed needing a half-century of time.  
Borobudur was found again. Borobudur that becomes The Magic of World mounted between the lowland around. Because that was not took care, there grew plants, and finally the building was covered by plants. At the tenth century, Borobudur Temple was forgotten. In 1907 - Theodore van Erp was carried out the restoration of Borobudur until the year 1911. In 1926, Borobudur was constructed again, but was stopped because of Malaise crisis and Second World War in 1940.In 1956, Indonesia government asked helping of UNESCO. Prof. Dr. C. Coremans  came to Indonesia from Belgian to recheck the causes breakage of Borobudur. Then, in1968, at Conference-15 in French, UNESCO agreed to create group of Restoration of Borobudur temple that was lead by Prof. Ir. Roosseno. In 1972 - International Consultative Committee was created. The committee that was sponsored by UNESCO provided 5 million dollar of US from the cost of Restoration 7750 million dollar of US, the balance was guaranteed by Indonesia. In August 10, 1973, - Soeharto, The president legitimate beginning of Borobudur Restoration, and the restoration was finished in the year 1984. In January, 21, 1985 – there was bomb attack from Muslim extremist, Husein Ali Al Habsyi,  that caused damage Stupa of Borobudur, next was reconstructed. The last, in 1991 - Borobudur was decided as World Inheritance of UNESCO. 

D.  Function
Many theories that explained the name of this temple, one of theories explained that the name of Borobudur was from word “ Sambharabhudara” that means mountain (bhudara) where is in the slops is located the terraces.
In the other hand, etymology of citizen is Borobudur word from saying of Buddhist because of displacement of voice can become Borobudur. Other explanation is this name word from two words “bara” and “beduhur.” The word “bara is from word “vihara” and from Sanskrit “bara” means temple complex, monastery or “biara” and “beduhur” means high “tinggi” or remembering in Bali language means up “diatas”. In another word is a monastery that is in the high land.
In another version, In the Karangtengah epigraphy was mentioned about conferral of Sima land by Pramudawardhani to keep Kamulan that called Bhūmisambhāra. The term Kamūlān was from word “mula” means place of provenance, the holy place to venerate the native land, probably from Wangsa Syailendra. Casparis predicted that Bhūmi Sambhāra Bhudhāra in Sanskirt means "Bukit himpunan kebajikan sepuluh tingkatan boddhisattwa" The hill of righteousness tenth levels of boddhisattwa, is the pure name of Borobudur.
Borobudur is still functioned to be holy placed that is used to pray for Buddhist and Borobudur open for public to be tourism object.

E.       Relief
            In the each levels was chiseled on the wall of temple. These reliefs are read in a clockwise or called mapradaksina in Java old language word from Sanskirt daksina that means east. These reliefs have many kinds of stories, i.e. jātaka stories. The reading of relief stories are started and ended in gate of east side each levels, starting from left side and ending in right side. In harmony, bellow the short stories of temple reliefs:
Based on symbolic of slop of temple, the relief that decorated the wall symbolize about law karma. The relief land is not about series of stories, but of each frames show about a story that has correlation of causes and effects. This relief not only imagine of bad attitude of the people and the punishment that they get, but the goodness of attitude and reward for good moral attitude. Overall, is about delineation of human life in the circle birth-life-death (samsara) that never the end, and Buddhist believe that the circle will be ending to reach the perfectness.
It represents the history of Buddha in the reliefs (not complete) that started from descent of Buddha from Tusita heaven, and ended by first advices in Rusa parks near Banaras town. These reliefs are in line from the south stair, after passed relief in line that amount of 27 frames that begin from east stair. The 27 frames imagine about the business, in heaven or in the world, as preparing to accept presenting of incarnation the Bodhisattwa as candidate of Buddha. The relief imagines that the born of Buddha as Prince Siddharta, the son of Prince Suddhodana and princess Maya in Kapilawastu land. The amount of reliefs are 120 frames, and the end in the first advices, symbolic as Dharma Rotation, believe of Buddha is called dharma that means law, whereas dharma is signed by wheel.
Jataka is story about Buddha before he was born as Prince Siddharta. The containt is about goodness attitude,that distinguish of Bodhisattwa from the other human. In the fact, collecting of good performance is preparing in the effort to the level "Buddha.”
Awadana, in the reality is same with Jataka, but the doer is not Bodhisattwa, the other human and the story in Diwyawadana book that means good attitude in level godhead, and Awadanasata book or a hundred of Awadana stories. In the relief of Borobudur temple Jataka and Awadana, the treatment is same, both of them in the same line without differences. The famous collection from Bodhisattwa is Jatakamala or the series of Jataka story, art from Aryasura that lived in the 4th century.
It represents about a line of reliefs in the wall of second way, is about Sudhana story that wandered without knowing tired in the effort to find highest knowledge about the mortal truth of Sudhana. Those are in 460 frames is based on holy book Buddha Mahayana with title Gandawyuha, and in the closing part is based on the other book, Bhadracari.
Another form of Buddha in cosmology buddhis that is carved in the wall, in Borobudur there are buddha arca that cross-legged in the lotus position and show mudra or hand with specific symbols.

Ini tugas essayku semester 4,, masih kaku n bnyk yg harus diperbaiki :)

Harry Potter’s Novel
               Fiction novel is one of interesting readers. Many people, especially teenagers spend their time to read fiction novels. No wonder so many fiction novels that become best sellers, moreover fiction novels are written by famous authors. Although many popular novels are very interesting, Harry Potter who written by J.K. Rowling is the most favorite fiction novel for many people because it is entertaining, imaginative, and full of adventure.
               Harry Potter novels are very entertaining for the readers. Many parts in the story make the readers consoled. For example when Harry Potter and the other students studied about black magic, there are parts in the story tell the process of magic, result the magic and that are so entertaining because JK. Rowling insert sense of humor. The characters actions are amused too. The behaviors of magic school make entertaining magic activities in the class and out of class. Over all, the books are so comforting because the plot of story is so easy to understand and enjoy read steps by steps the story.
               Beside amuse the readers the Harry Potter novels are also create imagination. The readers can feel the stories are so imaginative when J.K. Rowling illustrated the condition of magic school. The costume like coat who was wearing that has not seen. Then, the situation of dormitory, the stairs, pictures (mural) which can talk self, what the chamber of secret is and so on. Next about the magic wand from feather, who is and how the shape of enemy of Harry potter, who couldn’t say his name, magic formulas from the beginner form until the death magic formula, All of the author delineation overawing the readers and they imagine that the story look like true.
               Furthermore, the Harry Potter novels become favorite fictions because full of adventure too. The readers enjoy the author explanation about the war or conflict that happen in the story. Steps of problem resolving in the story make the readers anxious to know what will be like. The adventures of Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione are also the point of from the story. Their journey weathered the power of darkness, the adventure of friendship, love, family and other. In the main, the books can make the readers reside in the story.

               In conclusion, there are many favorite fiction novels written by famous authors and Harry Potter written by J.K. Rowling is best sellers. Besides that story create imagination, the story also give effect to make the readers anxious knowing that. The adventures of the characters activity also make the readers want to participate in the story. The novels are really enjoyable and comfortable. That is way Harry Potter novels be the most favorite fiction novels.

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